JavaScript is a popular programming language that 78% of developers use. You can build almost anything with JavaScript.

The problem is that many developers learn JavaScript in a very short period of time, without understanding some of the most essential features of the language.

In this article, we will cover JavaScript arrays, strings, and objects in depth so you can benefit from some of the most effective static and instance methods that the language offers.

Here's what we'll cover in this guide:

  • Instance and class methods
  • How to use strings in JavaScript
  • How to use arrays in JavaScript
  • How to use objects in JavaScript

Instance and Class Methods

JavaScript is heavily object-oriented. It follows a prototype-based model, but it also offers a class syntax to enable typical OOP paradigms.

In JavaScript, strings and arrays are objects, and every object in JavaScript is a template which has its methods and properties. Every object inherits methods and properties from its prototype. In JavaScript, every object has access to the Object prototype.

Static methods are methods that are available on the class level – for example the Object.freeze() method. Instance methods are available on the instance level – for example a created instance of an Array object has access to the instance methods such as .join(), but not the static methods.

How to Use Strings in JavaScript

Strings are used to hold data that can be represented in text form. To create a string you can use the String() constructor or a string literal. Here's an example of both ways:

 // Using a constructor

let string1 = String('String Creation');

 // Using a string literal
let string2 = 'String Creation';

Now let's learn more about instance methods. There are many instance methods, but here I'll discuss seven methods that I consider the most important.

The .charAt() method

A lot of the time when working with strings, we want to access a character at a certain index of the string. You can do this either with the charAt() method or with indexing, the same way we treat an array.

 // Let's say we want to access the first character of a given string
 let string = 'Hello World';
  // using indexing
 let first1 = string[0]; // output 'H' and remember that indexing starts at 0
  // using the charAt() method
 let first2 = string.charAt(0); // output 'H'

In JavaScript, the indexing system starts at 0 – for example the first character of a string has index of 0 and so on.

The .toUpperCase() and .toLowerCase() methods

Now let's say we want to uppercase or lowercase a string. You can do this using the toUpperCase() and the toLowerCase() instance methods.

 let string = 'Hello';
  // Let's lowercase a string
 let lowerCase = string.toLowerCase(); // output 'hello'
  // Let's upperCase a string
 let upperCase = string.toUpperCase(); // output 'HELLO'

You might use these to see if two strings hold the same word, for example 'Sam' and 'sam'. Actually 'sam' === 'Sam' evaluates to false, while  'sam'.toLowerCase() === 'Sam'.toLowerCase() evaluates to true.

The .concat()  method

It is often necessary to join text strings together in a program to make a new text string. This is called concatenation.

Now for string concatenation we can use the concat() method. It looks like the following. An important note is that this method returns a new string without mutating the original one.

let string = 'Hello';

 // String concatenation using the concat method
let string1 = string.concat(' World'); // output 'Hello World'

The .indexOf() method

Now to find the index of a certain character or a set of characters of a string, we can use the indexOf() method. This will return the index of the first index where the passed character or set of characters occurs.

let string = 'Hello World';

 // Let's find the index where 'H' occurs for the first time
let firstH = string.indexOf('H'); // output 0
 // Let's find the first index where 'World' occurs for the first time
let firstWorld = string.indexOf('World'); // output 6

 // In case a character or a set of characters   
 // doesn't occur in the string this method returns -1
let notThere = string.indexOf('Z'); // output -1

The .slice() method

A substring is a subset or part of another string, or it is a contiguous sequence of characters within a string. For example, "Substring" is a substring of "Substring in JavaScript".

Now let's say we want to get a substring of a given string. We can use the slice() method. Slice is actually one of the most important string methods. You use it to get substrings and also to copy strings.

Slice takes two optional parameters: the first one is where we want to start slicing and the second one is where we want to finish the slicing operation.

Let's assume that we passed 1 and 10 as parameters for the slice method. The method will then return a substring starting at index 1 and ending at index 9.

This means that the substring never includes the character at the ending index. An important note is to never pass an ending index higher than the string length.

let string = 'Hello World';
 // to check the string length we can use the length instance property
let length = string.length; // output 11

 // slicing to get the substring from index 1 -> 9
let string1 = string.slice(1 , 10); // output 'ello Worl'

 // not passing any parameters will generate 
 // a copy of the ariginal string with no mutation
let copy = string.slice(); // output 'Hello World'

The .split() method

The last string method that we will cover is the split() method. This method takes a pattern as an argument and divides the string into multiple substrings. The pattern describes where the splits occurs. This method returns an array of these substrings.

You might find yourself using this method to parse a URL or certain strings.

let string = 'Hello World';

 // Divide a string into words
 // This can be done when the passed pattern is a space
let words = string.split(' '); // output ['Hello' , 'World']

 // When the passed parameter is an empty string, the output array
 // will carry each of the characters of the given string
let chars = string.split(''); 

 // output ["H","e","l","l","o"," ","W","o","r","l","d"]

There are many more methods you can learn about, but these are the ones that you will work with the most. You can learn more by reading through the official MDN web documents.

How to Use Arrays in JavaScript

Like other programming languages, JavaScript arrays let you store a collection of data under one variable. But unlike C or C++, arrays can be returned from function calls.

JavaScript arrays are dynamic, so you can add to or delete elements from an array. You can also have elements of multiple data types in a single array.

Let's talk about how to create arrays in JavaScript. You can easily create an array by assigning a variable to empty brackets [ ] or by using the Array() constructor.

 // Creating an array from constructor
let arr1 = Array();
 // Prefered method
let arr2 = [];

Now let's talk about seven array instance and class methods that I consider to be the most useful.

The .indexOf() method

To get the first index of a given array where an element occurs, we can use the indexOf() method. It'll look like this. If the argument passed to this method doesn't occur in the array, it will return -1.

let array = [1, 2, 3];

 // Let's find the index where 1 occurs for thwe first time
let first1 = array.indexOf(1); // output 0

 // Now let's try to find 4 in the array
let first4 = array.indexOf(4); // output -1

The .push() and .pop() methods

As I mentioned earlier, JavaScript arrays are dynamic. So we can add elements using the push() method and remove the last element using the pop() method. An important note is that both of those methods mutate the original array.

let array = [1, 2, 3];

 // let's add 4 to the array

console.log(array) // output [1, 2, 3, 4]

 // let's now make the array the same as before
let removedElement = array.pop() // output 4

console.log(array) // output [1, 2, 3]

Now we'll discuss some more advanced methods – the ones introduced by the ES6 update.

The .map() method

First, let's say that you want to create an array using data from another existing array – for example if you have an array of objects representing employees.

Each employee object has a name property. And you want to create an array where each element is the value of the name property of the employee object at the same index of the array you have.

This is where the map() method comes in. It takes a callback function. Map creates a new array and never mutates the old one, and the callback expresses what you want to do with the data from the original array. It will look like this:

let arr= [{name : 'joe'} , {name : 'john'}];

 // It is preffered to use an arrow function

let namesArr = =>; // output ['joe' , 'john']

The .forEach() method

Are you tired of the usual for loops? They are kind of boring, I know. Luckily the forEach() method is here to help.

This method takes a callback as an argument and returns nothing. It iterates over the array and runs a certain task on every element of the array. The callback expresses the task. The code for this will look like this:

let arr= [1, 2, 3];

 // let's output each element on the console
arr.forEach(elem => console.log(elem));

 // output 
 // 1
 // 2
 // 3

The .filter() method

Now let's say that we have an array of numbers and that we want to create an array of only the numbers that pass a certain condition.

In this case we can use the filter() method which also takes a callback as an argument. The callback returns a Boolean – true if the element passes the test, otherwise false. Only elements that pass will be in the generated array and the callback expresses the test. Here's how it works:

let arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

 // Let's create an array of numbers bigger than 3
let filteredArray = arr.filter(elem => elem > 3); // output [4, 5]

The .some() method

Now let's say we have an array, and we want to check if there is at least one number that passes a certain test. Here comes the some() method.

This method takes a callback as an argument and returns a Boolean which is true if at least one element of the array passes the test, and otherwise is false. The callback expresses the test and it will look as follows:

let arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

 // Let's check if at least one element is bigger than 4
let bool = arr.some(elem => elem > 4); // output true

The .sort() method

Sorting is the process of arranging data into a meaningful order so that you can analyze it more effectively.

When talking about arrays we have to mention sorting. In JavaScript the sort() method sorts arrays in place and returns the reference to the same array. This method mutates the array and the default sorting order is ascending.

You can implement your own sorting logic by passing a callback which expresses a comparison between two elements and returns a number. If the returned number is positive then the first of the two compared elements will occur first in the sorted array.

let arr = [1, 2, 4, 3];

 // sorting in ascending order

console.log(arr); // [1, 2, 3, 4]

 // using custom sort to sort in descending order
arr.sort((elem1 , elem2) => elem2 - elem1);

console.log(arr); // output [4, 3, 2, 1]

There are plenty of interesting string methods that I didn't mention and they are worth investing time in learning. If you want to do so, you can visit the MDN official documents.

How to Use Objects in JavaScript

If you want to be a good JavaScript developer, you should really have a decent understanding of objects and the way they work.

Almost every object you create in JavaScript inherits methods from the global Object prototype which is available globally for every object in JavaScript. An exception is null prototype objects which we're not going to talk about. All the methods I am going to talk about are mostly static.

First let's talk about how to create objects using a set of curly braces { } or the object constructor. Here's what that looks like:

 // Creating an object from an constructor
let obj1 = Object();

 // Creating an object using curly braces
let obj2 = {};

The .assign() method

Now let's say we want to copy an object. Here comes the assign() static method to help us do this. I will show you how this works and a better way to do it. I'll also discuss some common mistakes many devs make when trying to copy objects.

let obj = {age : 18};

 // Copying using the assign method
let new1 = {};

Object.assign(new1 , obj);

console.log(new1); // output {age : 18}

 // We can do the same with the spread operator
let new2 = {...obj}; // output {age : 18}

A common mistake is to assign a variable to an object directly. The problem with this is that objects are assigned by reference and not by value. So any changes will mutate the original object.

let obj = {age : 18};

let obj1 = obj;

obj1.age = 17;

console.log(obj); // output {age : 17}

The .freeze() and .isFrozen() methods

Let's now say that we want to make an object immutable. For this we can use the freeze() static method which makes it impossible to add properties, modify, or delete any of the frozen object's prototypes, methods, and properties.

To see if an object if frozen, we can use the isfrozen() static method.

let obj = {age : 18};


 // Let's try to mutate this object
obj.age = 17; // Throws an error in strict mode

let isFrozen = Object.isFreezed(obj); // output true

The .keys() and .values() methods

Now to get a list of a certain object properties we can call the keys() static method. To get a list of the values corresponding to its properties, we can call the values() static method. An important note is that the list is an array.

let obj = {name : 'John Doe' ,age : 45};

let keys = Object.keys(obj); // output ['name', 'age']

let values = Object.values(obj); // output ['John Doe', 45]

You can check the MDN web documents to dive deeper into the topic.


In this tutorial, we talked about arrays, strings, and objects, along with the methods they offer. Hopefully you learned something new today.

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