In modern programming, it's important to understand concepts like first-class functions, higher-order functions, and closures. These ideas help us write flexible and efficient code and serve as building blocks for many advanced coding techniques.

First-class functions and higher-order functions allow us to treat functions as first-class citizens. We'll study what they are, but for now, just know that they make our code more powerful and reusable. Closures take this a step further by allowing functions to remember variables from their containing scope.

This tutorial will dive into these concepts and explain how they interrelate, with practical coding examples to illustrate their usage.

Table of Contents

  1. First-Class Functions
    Assigning Functions to Variables
    Passing Functions as Arguments
    Returning Functions from Other Functions
  2. Higher-Order Functions
    Lambda Functions
    Higher-Order Function that Takes a Function as an Argument
    Higher-Order Function that Returns Another Function
  3. Closures
    Basic Closure (Basic Nested Function with Immediate Execution)
    Returning the Inner Function
    Using Closures with Parameters
  4. Real-World Applications
  5. Conclusion

To fully grasp closures, it is essential to first understand the concepts of first-class functions and higher-order functions. These concepts are the cornerstone of many advanced programming patterns and are fundamental to the functioning of closures. Let's dive into these concepts and how they interrelate.

First-Class Functions

In programming, a language is said to have first-class functions if it treats functions as first-class citizens. This means that functions in such a language can be:

  1. Assigned to variables
  2. Passed as arguments to other functions
  3. Returned from other functions

In simpler terms, first-class functions can be handled like any other variable or object in the language. Let’s explore these capabilities with some coding examples.

Assigning Functions to Variables

Typically, we call a function and assign its result to a variable. For instance:

def add(a, b):
    return a + b

result = add(3, 4)

print(add)  # Prints the function object
print(result)  # Prints 7

Here, add is a function that returns the sum of two numbers. When we call add(3, 4), it returns 7, which is assigned to the variable result. The output of this code would be:

<function add at 0x...>

Now let's assign the add function to a variable sum_function without calling it (that is, without parentheses).

sum_function = add

Printing add and sum_function shows they both refer to the same function object:

print(add)   # Outputs: <function add at 0x...>
print(sum_function)   # Outputs: <function add at 0x...>

This demonstrates that functions can be assigned to variables just like any other data type. We can now use sum_function just like the original add function and even delete the original function name add, and the function will still be accessible through sum_function.

del add
print(sum_function(3, 4))  # Output: 7

Passing Functions as Arguments

Another aspect of first-class functions is the ability to pass them as arguments to other functions. This allows for greater flexibility and modularity by enabling functions to operate on other functions.

Let's illustrate this with a custom map function. A map function applies a given function to each item in a list (or array) and returns a new list with the results.

def double(n):
    return n * 2

def map_function(func, values):
    result = []
    for value in values:
    return result

# using the custom map function
doubled_values = map_function(double, [3, 6, 9, 12, 15])
print(doubled_values)  # Output: [6, 12, 18, 24, 30]

In this example, the double function takes a number n and returns its double. The map_function function takes a function func and a list of values, applies func to each element in values, and returns a new list with the results.

When map_function is called with double and the list [3, 6, 9, 12, 15], it applies the double function to each element in the list, resulting in [6, 12, 18, 24, 30]. This demonstrates how functions can be passed as arguments to create flexible and reusable code patterns.

Note that when passing the function, we do not include parentheses (that is, double instead of double()), indicating that we are passing the function itself and not the result of calling the function.

Returning Functions from Other Functions

Returning functions from other functions is another important characteristic of first-class functions. This concept allows for the creation of more complex and modular code, often used in scenarios like creating configurable functions or closures.

To illustrate further, let's look at a practical example where a function returns another function:

def create_multiplier(factor):
    """Returns a function that multiplies its input by the given factor."""
    def multiplier(x):
        return x * factor
    return multiplier

# Create specific multiplier functions
double = create_multiplier(2)
triple = create_multiplier(3)

# Use the created functions
print(double(5))  # Output: 10
print(triple(5))  # Output: 15

In this example, the create_multiplier function takes a parameter factor and returns another function multiplier. This multiplier function, when called with an argument x, returns the product of x and factor.

When create_multiplier is called with 2, it returns a function that multiplies its argument by 2. Similarly, when called with 3, it returns a function that multiplies its argument by 3. These returned functions (double and triple) can then be called with arguments to perform multiplication. For example, double(5) returns 10 and triple(5) returns 15.

This is the essence of a closure – where the returned function (multiplier) retains access to the variable (factor ) from its enclosing scope, even after the outer function (create_multiplier) has finished executing. This allows the created functions (double and triple) to remember and use the factor value they were created with.

Higher-Order Functions

Higher-order functions derive their power from the ability to treat functions as first-class citizens. This means functions can be passed as arguments to other functions or returned as values from them.

A higher-order function can:

  • Take one or more functions as arguments
  • Return a function as its result

We've seen examples of both already:

Before we move to closures, let's quickly discuss Lambda functions, as they add another layer of flexibility and allow for more concise and expressive code.

Lambda Functions

Lambda functions in Python, also known as anonymous functions, are small, functions defined using the lambda keyword. They are often used for short-term tasks that do not require a full function definition with def. Their Syntax is:

lambda arguments: expression

The reason we are discussing them is b/c they can be passed as arguments to higher-order functions or returned from them, making them versatile tools in functional programming.

Example: Using Lambda Functions in a Custom Map Function

We previously discussed the map_function example. Let’s see how we can achieve the same functionality using a lambda function:

def map_function(func, values):
    return [func(value) for value in values]

# Using a lambda function as the argument
doubled_values = map_function(lambda n: n * 2, [3, 6, 9, 12, 15])
print(doubled_values)  # Output: [6, 12, 18, 24, 30]

In this example, the lambda function lambda n: n * 2 is passed directly to map_function, eliminating the need for a separate double function definition.

Example: Creating Multiplier Functions with Lambdas

Revisiting the create_multiplier example, we can use a lambda function for the multiplier:

def create_multiplier(factor):
    return lambda x: x * factor

# Create specific multiplier functions
double = create_multiplier(2)
triple = create_multiplier(3)

# Use the created functions
print(double(5))  # Output: 10
print(triple(5))  # Output: 15

Here, create_multiplier returns a lambda function that multiplies its input by the specified factor. This is a compact and expressive way to define the same functionality.

For a more in-depth understanding of lambda functions, you can check this tutorial here.

The Interdependence of Higher-Order Functions and First-Class Functions:

Higher-order functions are fundamentally tied to the concept of first-class functions. Without Python's support for treating functions as first-class citizens, higher-order functions wouldn't be possible.

We can say - Without first-class functions, we cannot have higher-order functions, as they inherently rely on the ability to treat functions as first-class entities, operating on them by taking them as arguments or returning them as results.

Let's understand with more examples:

Example: A Higher-Order Function that Takes a Function as an Argument (First Class Function)

def apply_operation(operation, x, y):
    return operation(x, y)

# Functions to pass as arguments
def add(x, y):
    return x + y

def multiply(x, y):
    return x * y

# Using the higher-order function
result_add = apply_operation(add, 3, 4)
result_multiply = apply_operation(multiply, 3, 4)

print(result_add)       # Output: 7
print(result_multiply)  # Output: 12

In this example, apply_operation is a higher-order function because it takes another function (operation) as an argument. The add and multiply functions are first-class functions because they can be passed as arguments to other functions.

The apply_operation function takes three parameters: a function (operation) and two integers (x and y). It returns the result of applying the operation function to x and y.

By calling apply_operation(add, 3, 4), it returns 7, the result of adding 3 and 4. Similarly, calling apply_operation(multiply, 3, 4) returns 12, the result of multiplying 3 and 4. This demonstrates the flexibility and reusability of higher-order functions, showing how we can perform different operations on the same set of inputs.

Example: A Higher-Order Function that Returns Another Function (First Class Function)

def discount_applier(discount_rate):
    def apply_discount(price):
        return price - (price * discount_rate / 100)
    return apply_discount

# Creating closures with different discount rates
holiday_discount = discount_applier(20)
member_discount = discount_applier(15)

# Applying the discounts
print(holiday_discount(100))  # Output: 80.0
print(member_discount(100))   # Output: 85.0

In this example, discount_applier takes a parameter discount_rate and returns a new function apply_discount. This makes it a "higher-order function" and apply_discount is considered a "first-class function" because it is defined inside discount_applier and returned to be used later.

This apply_discount function, when called with an argument price, returns the discounted price calculated using the discount_rate.

When discount_applier is called with a discount rate of 20, it returns a function that applies a 20% discount to its argument. Similarly, when called with a discount rate of 15, it returns a function that applies a 15% discount. These returned functions (holiday_discount and member_discount) can then be used to apply the respective discounts.

By calling holiday_discount(100), it returns 80.0, applying a 20% discount to 100. Calling member_discount(100) returns 85.0, applying a 15% discount.

These examples illustrate how higher-order functions enable the creation of flexible, reusable, and modular code patterns by leveraging the capabilities of first-class functions. They form the foundation of many advanced programming techniques, including closures, and are essential for writing expressive and powerful code.


A closure is a feature in many programming languages, including Python, that allows a function to remember and access variables from an enclosing scope even after the outer function has finished executing.

In simpler terms, a closure is an inner function that has access to variables from its containing (or outer) function, even after that outer function has completed its execution.

Let's look at a few examples to understand how closures work in Python:

Basic Nested Function with Immediate Execution

def outer_scope():
    name = 'Sam'
    city = 'New York'

    def inner_scope():
        print(f"Hello {name}, Greetings from {city}")

    return inner_scope()

In this example, the outer_scope function defines two local variables: name and city. It then defines and immediately calls inner_scope, which prints a greeting message using the name and city variables from the enclosing scope.

When outer_scope is called, the nested function inner_scope runs, producing the greeting message: "Hello Sam, Greetings from New York".

Returning the Inner Function

Now, let's modify the example to return the inner function without executing it immediately:

def outer_scope():
    name = 'Sam'
    city = 'New York'

    def inner_scope():
        print(f"Hello {name}, Greetings from {city}")

    return inner_scope
# Assigning the inner function to a variable
greeting_func = outer_scope()

# Calling the inner function

Here, outer_scope defines name and city as variables similarly to the above example. It then defines and returns the inner_scope function but this time without calling it (that is, inner_scope instead of inner_scope()),

When greeting_func = outer_scope() is executed, it assigns the inner_scope function returned by outer_scope to greeting_func.

Now, greeting_func holds a reference to the inner_scope function. Calling greeting_func() executes inner_scope, which prints: "Hello Sam, Greetings from New York".

Even though outer_scope has finished executing by the time we call greeting_func(), the inner_scope function (now referenced by greeting_func) retains access to the variables name and city from its enclosing scope. This is what makes it a closure – it "closes over" the variables from its containing scope.

Using Closures with Parameters

To demonstrate the power of closures, let's create a more dynamic example by adding parameters to the outer_scope function:

def outer_scope(name, city):

    def inner_scope():
        print(f"Hello {name}, Greetings from {city}")

    return inner_scope

# Creating closures with different names and locations
greet_priyanshu = outer_scope('Dr Priyanshu', 'Jaipur')
greet_sam = outer_scope('Sam', 'New York')

# Executing the closures
greet_priyanshu()    # Output: Hello Dr Priyanshu, Greetings from Jaipur
greet_sam()     # Output: Hello Sam, Greetings from New York

Now here, the outer_scope function takes name and city as parameters. Inside outer_scope, the inner_scope function is defined to print a greeting message using name and city. Instead of calling inner_scope, outer_scope returns the inner_scope function itself.

When outer_scope is called with specific arguments, it creates and returns a closure that captures these arguments. For instance, greet_priyanshu is a closure that remembers Dr Priyanshu and Jaipur, while greet_sam remembers Sam and New York. When these closures are called, they produce the respective greeting messages.

Even though outer_scope has finished executing in both cases, the inner_scope functions (now greet_priyanshu and greet_sam) retain access to their respective name and city variables from their enclosing scopes, demonstrating closure behavior.

If you want, you can also use a lambda function in place of our inner function (inner_scope) like this:

def outer_scope(name, city):
    return lambda: print(f"Hello {name}, Greetings from {city}")

greet_priyanshu = outer_scope('Dr Priyanshu', 'Jaipur')
greet_sam = outer_scope('Sam', 'New York')

greet_priyanshu()    # Output: Hello Dr Priyanshu, Greetings from Jaipur
greet_sam()           # Output: Hello Sam, Greetings from New York

By using a lambda function, we achieve the same result but in a more concise way. The closures created by outer_scope still retain access to the name and city variables, demonstrating the same closure behavior.

Real-World Applications of Closures

Now let's see some practical applications of closures in real-world programming. Here are a few scenarios where closures are commonly used:

Event Handlers in Web Development (a js example but important use case)

In JavaScript, closures are often used to handle events, such as button clicks.

    <title>Button Handler Example</title>
    <button id="button1">Button 1</button>
    <button id="button2">Button 2</button>

        function createButtonHandler(buttonName) {
            return function() {
                alert(`Button ${buttonName} clicked!`);

        const button1 = document.getElementById('button1');
        const button2 = document.getElementById('button2');

        button1.onclick = createButtonHandler('Button 1');
        button2.onclick = createButtonHandler('Button 2');


  • createButtonHandler is a higher-order function that takes a buttonName as an argument and returns a function (the closure).
  • The returned function (closure) captures the buttonName variable from its lexical scope.
  • When a button is clicked, the corresponding closure is invoked, and it has access to the buttonName that was passed when the handler was created.

Maintaining State in GUI Applications

In Python, closures can be used to maintain state in graphical user interface (GUI) applications, such as those created with Tkinter.

import tkinter as tk

def create_counter():
    count = 0
    def counter():
        nonlocal count
        count += 1
        print(f'Button clicked {count} times')
    return counter

root = tk.Tk()
root.title('Counter Example')

counter = create_counter()
button = tk.Button(root, text='Click me', command=counter)



  • create_counter is a higher-order function that initializes count to 0 and defines a nested counter function.
  • The counter function is a closure that captures the count variable from the enclosing scope.
  • The nonlocal keyword allows the closure to modify the count variable.
  • Each time the button is clicked, the counter function is invoked, and it increments and prints the count.

Some other applications include:

Creating Decorators

Decorators in Python are a powerful tool for modifying or extending the behavior of functions and methods. Closures are the underlying mechanism for implementing decorators.  

You can read this article on Decorators to learn more about them if you'd like.

Data Hiding and Encapsulation

Closures can be used to create private variables and methods in a function, which can be accessed and modified only by the inner function. This provides a way to achieve encapsulation in Python.


First-class functions allows you to treat functions as any other object or data types, offering the flexibility to:

  1. Assign them to variables
  2. Pass them as arguments to other functions
  3. Return them from other functions

On the other hand, Higher-order functions not only let you treat functions like data, but they also let you use functions to create new functions or to change how other functions behave, enabling operations such as:

  1. Accepting functions as arguments/parameters
  2. Returning functions as results

This capability allows for dynamic and reusable code patterns, essential for functional programming.

Closures, in summary, allow inner functions to access variables from their enclosing scope.

Practical usage of closures includes scenarios where you need functions to remember state even after the outer function has completed execution.

Thank you for reading! If you have any comments, criticisms, or questions, feel free to tweet or reach out to me at @OGsamyak. Your feedback helps me improve!