When working with dictionaries in Python, you’d often run into KeyError exceptions.

Dictionaries are built-in data structures of key value pairs. So you can look up a value—in constant time—using the corresponding key like so: dict[key] returns value. But what if the key doesn't exist in the dictionary? Well, that’s when you get a KeyError in Python.

There are few different ways you can handle such KeyError exceptions. You can handle them explicitly or use certain dictionary methods to set default values for missing keys. And in this tutorial, we’ll look at the following methods by coding a simple example:

  • Using try-except blocks
  • Using the dictionary method get()
  • Using defaultdict from the collections module

Let's get started.

1. How to Handle KeyError Exceptions with try-except Blocks

Let's start by reviewing when KeyErrors occur and how we can handle these exceptions using try-except blocks.

When Does a KeyError Occur?

In Python, a KeyError exception occurs when you try to access the value corresponding to a key that doesn't exist. Consider the following books dictionary:

books = {
	"1984": "George Orwell",
	"To Kill a Mockingbird": "Harper Lee",
	"The Great Gatsby": "F. Scott Fitzgerald"

In the books dictionary, the keys are titles of the books and the values are the names of the authors. So you can look up the author of a book using the title as the key.

Now let's try to look up the author of a book that doesn't exist in the dictionary:

print(books["Brave New World"])

You’ll run into the following KeyError exception:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/balapriya/keyerror/main.py", line 7, in <module>
	print(books["Brave New World"])
KeyError: 'Brave New World'

How to Handle KeyError Exceptions

You can explicitly handle such KeyError exceptions using try-except blocks like so:

	value = dictionary[key]
except KeyError:
	value = default_value


  • We wrap the block of code that might raise an exception within the try block. In this case, we attempt to access the value associated with the key.
  • If a KeyError is raised, we handle it in the except block by assigning a default value.

For the books dictionary example, we have:

books = {
	"1984": "George Orwell",
	"To Kill a Mockingbird": "Harper Lee",
	"The Great Gatsby": "F. Scott Fitzgerald"

    # Try to access the key "Brave New World"
	author = books["Brave New World"]  
    # Catch the KeyError if the key does not exist
except KeyError:  
	author = "Book not found"  


We try to look up the author of “Brave New World'' again. But this time the KeyError triggers the except block, and we get “Book not found”.

Output >>> Book not found

2. How to Handle KeyErrors Using the get() Dictionary Method

Another way to handle missing keys without raising an exception is using the get() dictionary method.

You can use the get() method on any valid dictionary object. The get() method returns the value for a given key if it exists – otherwise, it returns a specified default value. You can use it like so:

value = dictionary.get(key, default_value)

In essence, the get() method tries to get the value for the specified key:

  • If the key exists, it returns the corresponding value.
  • If the key does not exist, it returns the default_value.

Let's now use the get() method on the books dictionary. We pass in "Book not found" as the default value in the method call.

books = {
	"1984": "George Orwell",
	"To Kill a Mockingbird": "Harper Lee",
	"The Great Gatsby": "F. Scott Fitzgerald"

# Try to get the value for "Brave New World"
author = books.get("Brave New World", "Book not found")  

As expected, you should get the following output:

Output >>> Book not found

Note: The get() method does not modify the original dictionary. If you also want to add the missing key with a default value, you can use the setdefault() method instead with the syntax dictionary.setdefault(key,default_value).

3. How to Use defaultdict from the collections Module

A (much) cleaner way to handle KeyErrors is using defaultdict from Python’s collections module. Defaultdict extends the capabilities of Python's built-in dictionary by allowing you to provide a default value for keys that haven't been explicitly set.

The defaultdict constructor takes a default factory function as an argument. This factory function is called without arguments to provide a default value for a non-existent key.

The syntax for creating a defaultdict is as follows:

from collections import defaultdict

# Syntax

Let's create a defaultdict from the books dictionary as shown:

from collections import defaultdict

books = {
	"1984": "George Orwell",
	"To Kill a Mockingbird": "Harper Lee",
	"The Great Gatsby": "F. Scott Fitzgerald"

books_default = defaultdict(lambda: "Book not found",books)  
# Access the key "Brave New World"
author = books_default["Brave New World"]  

For the default factory function, we use a simple lambda function that returns the string "Book not found". This function is called whenever you try to access a key that's not present in the dictionary.

Running the above snippet should also give you:

Output >>> Book not found

Using defaultdict can be especially helpful when you need to dynamically access many keys.


And that's a wrap! I hope you learned how to handle KeyError exceptions in Python. Let's review what we learned:

  • To explicitly handle a KeyError, you can wrap the dictionary access code with a try block, and catch the KeyError in the except block.
  • Use the get() method to access the value of a key, with the option to return a default value if the key does not exist.
  • You can initialize a defaultdict from the collections module with a factory function that returns the default value.

If you'd like to learn about exception handling in Python, read Python Try and Except Statements - How to Handle Exceptions in Python.