For a long time, developers in the JavaScript ecosystem have tried to launch Laravel-like frameworks for JavaScript.

We've seen Blitz for NextJS, Adonis for NodeJS, RedwoodJS, and more. All these frameworks tried to build a Laravel for JavaScript.

But none of them were really successful. Why? We'll figure it out in this article. It's worth going over because beginners learning JavaScript struggle to find an all-in-one solution.

This means it can be tough to choose a framework (or library) in JavaScript when you have so many choices – like React, Vue, Angular, Svelte, NextJS, Meteor, and more.

Meanwhile, PHP offers one simple solution: Laravel. It's a one-stop shop with many frameworks and libraries combined into one. But is it the right option for you?

In this article, I'll dive deeper into why the JavaScript ecosystem doesn't have a Laravel-like framework and whether you should switch to PHP for a one-stop solution like Laravel.

I will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using JavaScript frameworks compared to a one-stop solution like Laravel and end it with a comparison table to help you decide.

What we'll cover in this article:

  1. Why JavaScript vs Laravel
  2. Why JavaScript lacks an all-in-one solution
  3. Benefits of JavaScript frameworks and libraries
  4. Benefits of Laravel
  5. Differences between Laravel and JS tools

Why JavaScript vs Laravel

When beginners decide to learn Web Development, they often choose between JavaScript/TypeScript and PHP. Other solutions require more expertise, so most beginners gravitate towards these two languages.

Many JavaScript beginners eventually find its vast ecosystem overwhelming, whereas PHP learners often feel constrained by the limited frameworks and lack of advanced capabilities.

To deal with that confusion, I am comparing the tools available for JavaScript and PHP, not the languages directly. Since PHP has an all-in-one solution most developers use, I'll use Laravel for the comparison.

JavaScript lacks a single all-in-one solution or a specific representative framework. Therefore, I'll refer to tools like React, Vue, Angular, and so on as "JavaScript Frameworks."

Let's begin by understanding why the JavaScript ecosystem lacks a Laravel-like framework.

Why JavaScript Lacks an All-in-One Solution

I'll begin by acknowledging that JavaScript developers have tried in the past to make a Laravel for JavaScript.

Start with RedwoodJS. It's an open-source full-stack JavaScript framework started by Tom Preston-Werner, the co-founder and former CEO of GitHub. It helps developers build their applications and ship faster.

Redwood has many innovative solutions packed into one framework. Sounds familiar? That's precisely like Laravel. Do you see anyone shipping using Redwood? Most likely not.

The next option is Blitz. It makes the same promise as Redwood: a replacement for NextJS. Blitz is an all-in-one solution with custom built-in solutions for authentication, database, and so on.

But Blitz doesn't allow developers to choose what they want to use, like Laravel. It has custom solutions crafted by the core team. Developers cannot replace any solution piece with some other recommended solution.

Customization is a point worth noting in the JavaScript ecosystem, and I'll explain why as we uncover more frameworks. But Blitz didn't succeed either.

Then, there's AdonisJS. But, I think you get the point. Each all-in-one solution in JavaScript has tried to implement their version of Laravel – and none of them really took hold.

Blitz, Adonis, and Redwood followed a theme: a full-stack framework of ready-made non-customizable solutions for JavaScript developers to build applications.

These frameworks didn't gain popularity because they didn't meet the needs of the developers they aimed to serve.

The JavaScript ecosystem is unique, offering many solutions for the same problem. There's a reason for this diversity, and why those frameworks didn't succeed.

Let's discuss the reasons and benefits of the current popular JavaScript tools, as they directly impact the choice between JavaScript frameworks and Laravel. As I outline each benefit, consider whether it aligns with your needs.

Benefits of JavaScript Frameworks and Libraries

JavaScript frameworks and libraries are collections of pre-written resources, techniques, and functions created by developers to save time and effort.

These frameworks began emerging in the 2000s, with notable ones like React, Svelte, Angular, NextJS, and Vue standing out over time.

Source: Raygun

However, having more options doesn't necessarily mean greater effectiveness. Below, we’ll explore the benefits of using JavaScript frameworks and why all-in-one solutions haven't succeeded in the JavaScript ecosystem.


It's easier to switch or choose one solution over the other in the JavaScript ecosystem. For example, to implement authentication, we have Clerk, Auth0, AuthJS, NextAuth, Supabase, and more.

The JavaScript ecosystem always had multiple options for a specific solution and startups dedicated to providing bespoke solutions. If you didn't like Clerk, you could use NextAuth for more customization.

JavaScript frameworks are highly versatile. When there are ten solutions for one problem, developers can easily switch and see what works for them.

Blitz and other frameworks couldn't succeed for this reason. If a developer disliked Blitz's approach to authentication, they would just switch to another solution.


Unlike JavaScript, other languages don't have an ecosystem around building tools for others, like libraries or packages. It's not as easy in those languages.

The JavaScript ecosystem has an entire registry filled with packages and libraries for the smallest solutions, like emails. JavaScript has many packages, frameworks, and libraries for each solution.

Source: Kinsta

Ironically, even the NPM registry has competitors. There are multiple other registries with unique packages and features. JavaScript follows the versatility rule everywhere, but does that indicate reliability? Maybe not.


Each solution for a specific problem is likely a startup funded by VC firms and Angel Investors.

JavaScript-based startups have the capital and the resources to conduct in-depth research and hire the best talent to build bespoke solutions for a targeted problem.

With unlimited resources allocated to a specific topic or problem, the solutions are specific and cater to different needs to their developers.

In return, JavaScript developers pay these startups for those solutions and startups are incentivised to create better solutions for the ecosystem.

The Common Dev

Any developer in the JavaScript ecosystem can identify a problem during their experience using a specific technology, build a solution, and offer it as a product.

JavaScript developers have the liberty to build and sell their solutions because startups push the idea of paying for bespoke solutions and developers have no problem doing that.

Take Marc Lou as an example. He built ShipFast and other products that churn over $100,000 per month. He is an example of the possibilities in the field.

But perhaps these benefits and reasons seem intangible to you. Don’t worry—the web development domain offers more than one alternative. Let’s explore Laravel.


Laravel is a framework for the PHP programming language. Taylor Otwell introduced Laravel in 2011.

Source: Cloudways

Laravel offers many solutions packed into one tool, and can be a one-stop solution for everything. It offers authentication, debugging, serverless deployment, user-friendly form systems, starter kits, and so on.

The solutions provided by Laravel are many, but without the core language, they don't mean anything. Laravel is all about PHP.

PHP is a general-purpose scripting language. Rasmus Lardof introduced it to developers in the 1990s. Since then, the language has evolved with significant updates in 2004, 2015, and 2020.

Source: Gecko Dynamics

Before JavaScript frameworks had taken off, developers used PHP with JavaScript.

Laravel is a back-end framework and PHP focuses on the server-side. JavaScript without a framework is a client-side language at its core.

Developers traditionally used JavaScript on the client-side and PHP on the server-side to create full-fledged applications.

However, the tech stack landscape shifted when Laravel gained popularity and frameworks like React began to dominate the JavaScript ecosystem.

Many developers worldwide, especially from countries like India, are doubling down on PHP because of its robust and reliable nature.

Government websites and large infrastructures use Laravel (PHP) because it supports a variety of solutions in one place. Many developers don't want to combine and switch technologies.

Companies and individuals using PHP or Laravel want to ship quickly, make changes, and avoid learning a new library or technology at every step of the way like JavaScript.

PHP only has JavaScript as its direct rival that challenges its existence. However, JavaScript isn't the best for many situations. Let's see how Laravel performs better.

Benefits of Laravel

One-Stop Solution

Laravel is an all-in-one framework. It contains everything a developer would reasonably require to build compact, reliable, and robust solutions.

You don't need to spend time searching for various libraries and frameworks that may or may not integrate well with your foundational technology—it's all built-in for you.

If speed of deployment is your priority, Laravel is the ideal choice.

Moreover, for PHP developers using Laravel, there's less need to learn new libraries, syntax, and more because everything is integrated seamlessly.

Less Wasted Time

The PHP ecosystem has fewer solutions for specific problems. It's difficult to identify a specific solution for a specific problem.

Developers rather choose an all-in-one solution than invest time in finding bespoke solutions for specific problems.

That's where the PHP ecosystem shines because developers don't spend a lot of time trying out different options. They already have everything in one place.

If there's a new project, their go-to choice is Laravel. In the JavaScript land, if a developer isn't using an existing solution or tech stack, they are likely finding a new one or creating one.

Stable and Robust

Web Applications created using PHP are robust because the framework is battle-tested. You can create anything using it.

You could sabotage the entire application if you mess up with one choice of library or framework in a JavaScript project. But it's not the same with Laravel.

Since Laravel has fewer solutions, the chances of sabotaging are reduced to the bare minimum.

No Catching Up

With Laravel, you don't need to catch up with new technologies and frameworks frequently. You can learn one framework, library, or skill and consider it useful for a long time.

It's the opposite in JavaScript. Unlike JS, Laravel has more stable and less frequent updates.

The PHP ecosystem receives fewer updates so developers can reliably use the existing features without worrying about another framework or library providing a better solution or another version.

A new framework or library doesn't pop up each week. You don't need to follow up on versions frequently.

A Massive Community

Laravel was first launched a decade ago. It has gained popularity over time and invited many developers to create communities and share ideas.

Every PHP developer uses Laravel. If you ever need any help, you always have developers helping you.

Free Solutions

Most PHP frameworks and libraries are open-source and free to access. Startups are rare in the PHP ecosystem.

If a developer is offering any bespoke solutions, most are public, especially free.

Any PHP developer can refer to those open-source free solutions, contribute to them, and extend those solutions further.

Differences Between Laravel and JS Tools

You can create any type of application using both of these technologies. But the experience won't be exactly the same, of course. Here are some of the differences:

FeaturesJavaScript FrameworksLaravel
Beginner FriendlyThey often use TypeScript, which is beginner-friendly and beneficial for developers switching from C, C#, Java, and C++Laravel is easier to adopt if you have a grasp of PHP or other JavaScript frameworks.
FlexibilityHigh flexibility with the ability to choose different tools and libraries.Less flexibility but provides a cohesive, opinionated structure.
SalaryDevelopers using JavaScript frameworks have higher salaries.Laravel developers get a generally lower salary than JavaScript/TypeScript developers.
Availability of toolsJavaScript frameworks are widely available and ready-to-use. You can download them from the NPM registry and start immediately.Laravel offers solutions for a wide range of problems, but if you encounter issues with their built-in solutions, you have fewer alternatives.
SecurityDepends on the back-end setup of the respective framework, but there are options to choose from if the security measures lack.It has built-in security features like CSRF and encryption.
DocumentationDepends on the framework. React, NextJS, and a few other frameworks have the most detailed documentations with code snippets and explanations.Laravel has a structured and organised documentation with code snippets and explanations.
Testing & DebuggingJavaScript frameworks have multiple testing libraries, like Jest.Laravel has built-in tools, like PHPUnit intergration for testing.
Learning CurveJavaScript frameworks have a higher learning curve due to frequent and significant updates, as well as the regular release of new frameworks.Laravel has a gentle learning curve because its built-in solutions are easy to adopt, even for those familiar with JavaScript frameworks.
ScalabilityJavaScript frameworks are highly scalable, allowing you to swap libraries as needed to maximize performance.Laravel has limited options to modify and swap solutions. Hence, it is less scalable, but reliable.
Deployment & HostingJavaScript frameworks can be deployed with any VPS, or using Vercel with a few clicks. However, it requires NodeJS on the server.Laravel projects can be hosted on any server supporting PHP.
CustomizationJavaScript frameworks allow for easy swapping and customization, enabling you to tailor libraries or frameworks to suit your needs.Laravel solutions are limited and cannot be modified.
PerformanceJavaScript frameworks have high-performance for dynamic, interactive Uls.Laravel has high-performance for back-end processes and server-side rendering.
FutureJavaScript frameworks continue to grow, with more startups being founded and developers launching their own solutions.Laravel continuously evolves, releasing new sub-frameworks and solutions to address problems in the most effective way possible.

And that's it! I hope you enjoyed the article and learned something new. If you want, you can also follow me on Twitter (X) or LinkedIn. Also, I've built a Notion Dashboard for Software Engineers to ace their coding interviews.