Here are three links worth your time:

  1. I just got a developer job at Snapchat. Here’s what I learned and how it can help you with your job search (15 minute read)
  2. How to build animated microinteractions in React (8 minute read)
  3. It’s time to give TypeScript another chance (6 minute read)

Bonus: I interviewed Preethi Kasireddy about her transition from venture capitalist to software engineer, and her new functional programming course (22 minute watch)

Thought of the day:

“The most amazing achievement of the computer software industry is its continuing cancellation of the steady and staggering gains made by the computer hardware industry.” — Henry Petroski

Image of the day:

The changelog from Medium’s latest iOS version update.


Study group of the day:

freeCodeCamp London


Happy coding!

– Quincy Larson, teacher at freeCodeCamp