By Jason Hreha

This is a continually updated list of the best UX resources.

Last updated 3/17/2016

Over the years I’ve collected a ton of different resources to help me with my product & UX work. I’ve signed up for dozens of newsletters and blog emailers, purchased a bunch of books, checked out some online courses, and have used a wide range of tools to help me bring my ideas to life. Finally, I decided to go through all of my bookmarks, emails, and text files and put of all these resources into a comprehensive list.


UX Newsletters

Image The Mailchimp UX Team’s Newsletter

UX Blogs & Magazines:

Image Boxes and Arrows — A Terrific UX Blog



Online Courses

Image 52 Weeks of UX — A Great (Free) Intro UX Course


Image David Travis’ Udemy Course — One of the best online UX courses


Discussion Groups

Image UX Q&A on StackExchange


Image Invision — One of the best prototyping products


Need to quickly create a robust prototype of your product with your mockups? These are the tools for you.

Image Zurb’s Testing Product — Notable

Testing Services

If you need to get your designs (or prototypes) in front of users, and gather their feedback, these are the tools for you.

Image Delighted — An elegant way to gather NPS

Feedback Collection

Want to get a rough sense of how you’re doing? Feedback collection tools like Delighted and Usabilla can give you a sense of how you’re doing on a scale of 0–10 or “sad face” to “ecstatic face”.

Record & review user sessions


The first time I saw FullStory, I thought: “My god — I don’t need a user research coordinator anymore.” While that’s not true (I love research coordinators), these tools should be a part of every product team’s arsenal.

Card Sorting


Bad information architecture? Start here.



Get qualitative feedback from your users with a surveying tool.

User Research Recruiting


Ethnio owns this category. If you want visitors to your site or app to be screened and added to pre-defined user-research groups, this is the tool for you.

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